EYE PRO, Inc. — makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear recently donated $1,200 to the new African Journey exhibit at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo – thanks to salons from all over the country.
The new African Journey exhibit at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo will immerse visitors in the sights, sounds, culture, and wildlife of the amazing African continent. Entering through a tunnel, visitors emerge into an African oasis. Key features include a lion exhibit, a Savannah Trail, new animal exhibits, and an entirely new system of interactive, educational, and cultural experiences.(www.KidsZoo.org).
“Our zoo is one of the Top 10 Children’s Zoos in the USA,” said EYE PRO president, Brenda Fishbaugh. “Thanks to the support of our products, we’ve been able to donate to organizations and help rescue endangered and exotic animals worldwide for over a decade.”
EYE PRO notified their “V-EYE-P” salon members by email, asking them to vote for their favorite animal. Any salon that voted received a FREE zippie with samples of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease refreshing body cloths for after tanning. EYE PRO contributed $3 for every vote cast.
The African Journey includes animals never before exhibited in Fort Wayne, including hyenas, honey badgers, servals, and mongoose, plus opportunities to be nose-to-nose with a 500-pound lion (through 2-inch safety glass) and hand-feed a giraffe. “There is nothing like having a giraffe’s tongue take a carrot out of your hand!” exclaimed Fishbaugh. “I’ve done it — and what a great experience this is for kids and adults alike!”
For more information on EYE PRO’s decade of animal rescues around the globe, go to EyePro.net and click on the photo gallery.
For information on WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, visit EyePro.net or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.