Working Like Dogs!

IST 2010 April cover

April 2010

I find folks in the tanning biz to have super big hearts! Chatting with a few pals in the industry, I was thrilled to realize many had rescued dogs from horrible situations. Here’s a heartwarming story from industry veteran, Joe Schuster, of 1st Resource:

“Petey (a mix of Pit Bull, German Shorthair and others) was born in the mountains of North Carolina and lived near my in-laws, chained to a tree outside of a house trailer. It was a brutal life for him with abusive owners. One summer, my father-in-law found him roadside after a vehicle had hit him, and took him to the local vet. After weeks of recovery, Petey was returned to his owners. The next summer, my father-in-law again found him after he had been shot. The vet removed a 9mm pistol slug from his shoulder and he spent many weeks recuperating with his new family – as he would not be returned to his ‘former owners’. Petey now lives with my family and our four other dogs, loves to be petted and scratched, and spends most of his time warming his body in the sun. He can do that with us for as long as he wants!” Read on….


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